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Landry Mechanical Inc Plumbing HVAC & Electric Blog

3 Tips to Stay Cool This Summer

It’s no secret that temperatures are starting to get very hot. You’ve seen it on the news, the weather report, and you’ve likely felt it on your way to work or when heading to the grocery store. That heat isn’t likely to go anywhere, and in fact, it’s probably going to get even hotter before fall arrives.

This means that you need to pull out all of the stops if you’re going to fight against the summer heat efficiently and effectively. AC repair in Millbury is one of many ways that you can ensure you’re well-prepared and cooled off enough to stave off negative effects like heat stroke and uncomfortable temperatures. This blog will focus on additional strategies to remain cool and collected.

Do you know what the best part about these tips is? They’re absolutely free. So make sure you follow along and keep a list on hand so you’re not taken by surprise when hot temperatures threaten your livelihood.

1. Stay Hydrated and Safe

Hydration is something that people hear a lot about during the summer, and it’s for a very good reason. Water is vital to our health and comfort, even when we’ve got an air conditioner running on full blast.

For instance, human beings sweat as a way to alleviate heat on the hottest days of the year. Sweat requires water, and it helps regulate our internal temperatures to keep us happy and healthy. If you’re dehydrated or forgot to drink enough water, your body is going to be unable to properly sweat and get rid of heat, meaning you’re going to end up hotter and more uncomfortable than ever.

2. Change the Air Filter Regularly

Your air conditioner is likely running on full blast this week, which means it’s cycling through a lot of air. This is a good reason to replace the air filter on a regular basis.

The air filter is designed to protect the interior components of your AC system from dust, dirt, debris, and other contaminants. By replacing it, you ensure that only fresh air is entering and exiting your AC system and that it can run properly for the foreseeable future.

3. Run Your Ceiling Fans

But why would I need to run my ceiling fan if my AC is on? This is a great question and one that makes sense on the surface. But once you dig a little deeper, you might find out that your ceiling fan and AC actually complement each other!

Ceiling fans work on a fraction of the energy budget that your AC does. An air conditioner uses upwards of 3000 watts of electricity, while a ceiling fan uses between 30 and 50 watts. This is a huge difference. But it also means that you’re not saving very much energy if you keep your fan off.

On the contrary, a ceiling fan helps reduce the temperature of a room by a few degrees, which can be the difference between your AC running for an extra couple of minutes or shutting down early, which would in turn save a lot of electricity. Your fan can work with your AC to keep temperatures low and to relieve the burden on the system so you’re not paying too much.

At Landry Mechanical Inc Plumbing HVAC & Electric, we take comfort in YOUR comfort. Schedule an AC appointment with us today!

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