Landry Mechanical Inc Plumbing HVAC & Electric Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Maintenance’

Why Late Summer Maintenance Matters

Monday, August 7th, 2023

We still have a whole second half of the summer ahead of us, so it’s not technically “late” maintenance yet, but some customers are still thinking they can make it all the way to the end without a tune-up. The truth is that this might be a very bad idea.

Did you know that maintenance is a mandatory service for air conditioning systems like central AC units and heat pumps? If this is news to you, then we understand. They sound like optional services since they’re offered completely separately from a new installation or repair, but it’s true. An air conditioner won’t reach its full potential without the help of routine AC maintenance in Worcester County.

Sure, we have special seasonal deals, but this blog post is all about the details of a maintenance plan and how it drastically improves your technology over time. Just make sure you schedule an appointment before the season winds to a close!

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