Why Your Water Heater Is Struggling

September 25th, 2023

Water heaters can run into problems–it’s okay! A worn-down water heater is not a reflection on your or your lifestyle, it’s just something that happens to these systems after years of dutifully providing us with hot water. But if your water heater is newer than 8-12 years old, then it might be a serious problem that’s worth addressing professionally.

In the spirit of helping our customers, we’d like to do a breakdown on water heater service in Shrewsbury, MA. We’ll talk about why it’s such a valuable service when you start encountering the following problems. Remember, only a licensed professional should be repairing or maintaining your water heater. Otherwise, you’re in for some nasty surprises.

So, let’s get right to work on finding out why your water heater is struggling.

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HVAC Tips for a Better Fall

September 18th, 2023

Last week we started the discussion on why maintenance during autumn is such a good idea, but the conversation doesn’t stop there! Maintenance is only one aspect of home comfort, and today we’re going to talk about some others.

First of all, not everyone is in the best position to get maintenance right now. In fact, your AC or heating system might require repairs more than it does maintenance, and that could be the best choice going forward. But even if you’re in a perfect situation and you just had maintenance done on your HVAC system, there’s still more that can be done.

We’ll make things quick–this blog post is going to be about some great ways that you can prepare for the cold weather ahead and where you might be able to save a bit of money in the future. Start with heating repairs in Marlborough, MA and take things step by step.

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It’s HVAC Maintenance Season in Massachusetts!

September 11th, 2023

Aren’t we lucky to have all four seasons in full bloom here in Massachusetts? We just had a pretty intense summer, and now we finally get to see the leaves turn colors and the chillier temperatures come sweeping through. Get those jackets and sweatshirts ready, it’s time to be cozy!

However, there’s one topic we’d like to discuss before we get into more fall talk–and that’s maintenance. Maintenance might seem like an optional service that you can be just fine without, but that’s not really the case. And it’s during the most mild months like September and October, that we’ll try to inform our customers on the true benefits of this kind of service.

So, get cozy and enjoy a nice cup of coffee. It’s time to talk about maintenance in Worcester County, and why now is the perfect season for it.

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What Does My Air Filter Actually Do?

September 4th, 2023

This is a great question, and one that could clear up a lot of misconceptions with our customers when it’s answered correctly. While yes, the air filter does positively impact your indoor air quality, that’s not its intended function. The air filter that fits in your air conditioner or heater’s return air duct is designed to keep things clean for the system itself, for a few reasons we’ll get to.

Changing the air filter on a regular basis has some huge benefits that you can take advantage of as well. For instance, you’ll see better energy efficiency, comfort, and a longer-lasting system if you change the filter every 1-3 months.

But when it comes to air conditioning in Middlesex County, you’ll want to know why you’re changing this component so frequently before you actually put it on your schedule. Let us help you with that down below.

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Why Go With a Professional HVAC Team?

August 28th, 2023

This might sound like a silly question, coming from us. But it’s actually super important that we answer it, since there are a lot of customers out there who are caught between spending more money for professional AC repair in Worcester County or calling a family friend for help. Amateurs and family members will always cost less money, and sometimes they’ll be free, but there’s always a catch to investing in this kind of work.

Getting something fixed without the trained and licensed hand of a professional can void the warranty on your air conditioning system. It can also increase the likelihood that something breaks down or runs into other problems. Professional service is convenient, fast, more reliable, and it also can cost less money in the long run.

If you’re still on the fence, let us give you a few more reasons for you to call our team instead of hiring an amateur.

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Our Seasonal Water Heater Check-Up

August 21st, 2023

Water heaters get used regularly, pretty much throughout the year. Hot water is a little more necessary during the wintertime, but we still have plenty of customers who take hot showers and run their dishwashers even during the summer. If that’s your preference, then more power to you!

However, just because you might use a water heater in Milford less often during the summer than you would in the winter, doesn’t mean you can forget about it. This is the same system that you’ll depend on in the coming months when temperatures begin to drop, so make sure you give it the attention it deserves.

Right now is the perfect time to invest in water heater maintenance, since it’s not on most people’s minds and our schedules are open for it. Then, when your water heater is adjusted, maintained, and inspected by a professional, it will be in perfect shape for the future.

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Is It Time for an AC Upgrade?

August 14th, 2023

Times are changing, and so are our needs for comfort and energy efficiency. An air conditioner that seemed adequate 10 years ago is very lacking these days in pretty much every category. This is one of the main reasons why we say that an AC is only designed to last 10-15 years before it needs to be replaced.

AC replacement in Millbury, MA is not just for a system that’s broken down. It’s for units that are just not running effectively or efficiently anymore. Even if the system is pretty effective, you and your family just might not be happy with it anymore–a great reason to start looking at investments for your future.

Just like an old car with several thousand miles on it, these systems can get burdensome over time when they wear down. Make sure you’re aware of your replacement options as you look toward the summers to come.

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Why Late Summer Maintenance Matters

August 7th, 2023

We still have a whole second half of the summer ahead of us, so it’s not technically “late” maintenance yet, but some customers are still thinking they can make it all the way to the end without a tune-up. The truth is that this might be a very bad idea.

Did you know that maintenance is a mandatory service for air conditioning systems like central AC units and heat pumps? If this is news to you, then we understand. They sound like optional services since they’re offered completely separately from a new installation or repair, but it’s true. An air conditioner won’t reach its full potential without the help of routine AC maintenance in Worcester County.

Sure, we have special seasonal deals, but this blog post is all about the details of a maintenance plan and how it drastically improves your technology over time. Just make sure you schedule an appointment before the season winds to a close!

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We’re Proud Sponsors of the WooSox!

August 2nd, 2023

We’re so excited to announce to our customers and local community that we’re proud sponsors of the Worcester Red Sox, also known as the WooSox! For any newcomers, they’re our favorite local minor league baseball team, and we can’t wait to see all of our friends, neighbors, and recurring customers at their seasonal games.

Be sure to check out their schedule and we’ll see you at one of their games!

For any and all HVAC, plumbing, and electrical work–contact Landry Mechanical Inc Plumbing HVAC & Electric. We take comfort in YOUR comfort.

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From Window Unit to Central AC: The Big Change

July 24th, 2023

Yep, it’s time we talked about that topic. You know, the one you may have been avoiding for months or even years. That itty bitty window AC unit or the multiple window units you use to keep your home comfortable throughout the summer are just not cutting it anymore. They’re energy inefficient, they’re not powerful enough, and they keep running into issues.

Instead of purchasing another set of window AC units, or even worse–a standalone mini-AC, it might be time to invest in a central air conditioner in Middlesex County.

We know, everyone sees money flying out of their wallets when they think about the investment cost of a central air conditioner. But in this new reality, with larger and better incentives on their way, a central AC might actually save you more money than you think!

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